Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wonderful Veggie Savers

I often have half a lemon or part of an onion left over after cooking. I used to wrap them up and toss them in the vegetable drawer where I would often forget about them. When I saw the lemon saver at Wal-Mart, I decided it was a much better way to store left over lemon. It's very visible and it's BPA-free (plastic wraps aren't always). It also seems to be keeping things fresher than wraps. I am loving it. I saw the onion saver at Macey's. It actually keeps the onion odor from leaking in the fridge! They also make a tomato saver that I'm planning on getting.

1 comment:

  1. I have the onion saver and it very practical' I also would Luke to get the tomato keeper.
