Sunday, June 19, 2011

Still alive! **Toujours en vie**

Hello! Sorry about the big break from blogging. Well as you may know, I am expecting a little girl for the end of September. My first trimester, I needed a lot of sleep, felt lethargic most of the time and nauseous too. When my energy and complete well-being came back 9 weeks ago, I had a lot to catch up on around the house. Then I tackled my record keeping projects. I gave priority to my digital photo books and I also felt like working on editing our family videos. My thoughtful husband got me a new laptop and it's so wonderful for working with videos, I couldn't stop! School is over and my schedule is a lot lighter. I'm now back to regular blogging I think... I hope! Stay tuned ;)
**Coucou! Désolée pour la longue pause sur mon blog! Comme vous le savez peut-être, j'attends un bébé fin-Septembre. Mon premier trimestre, j'avais besoin de beaucoup de sommeil, j'étais souvent fatiguée et avec des nausées aussi. Quand mon énergie et mon bien-être complet sont revenus il y a 9 semaines, j'avais beaucoup de retard à rattraper dans la maison. Et puis je me suis remise à mes albums photos digitaux et j'ai voulu travailer sur des montages de nos vidéos de famille. Voilà, maintenant je compte bien me remettre à blogger... j'espère dumoins ;) Restez à l'écoute!**

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! I bet Claire and the boys are so excited to have a new little sister. :) I am impressed with how much you have been able to accomplish even amidst a difficult pregnancy! Looking forward to hearing more about your sweet family in the future. :)
